Dil Raju daughter Hanshita Reddy age is just same as the age of Dil Raju’s newly Married wife, Vygha Reddy. Day before yesterday, Dil Raju got married to Vygha Reddy in a private ceremony just with the family members presence. Since the marriage, two aspects have attracted so much of discussion. The first one is, who is Vygha Reddy and the Second one is, what is the age of Dil Raju daughter Hanshita Reddy. It is a shock that the age of Dil Raju daughter is just same as the age of Vygha Reddy.
Dil Raju’s daughter is aged around 29 while Vygha Reddy is aged 30. Both share a difference of merely few months. However, this hasn’t irked the family members of Dil Raju much. It is said that, Dil Raju’s daughter Hanshita Reddy was the one who wanted her father to have a support at this age. Dil Raju first wife Anitha Reddy passed away 4 years ago. From then, Dil Raju is struggling without support. The family members have only felt happy that Dil Raju could find a life partner at this age.
Dil Raju daughter, Hanshita Reddy, wrote a heart touching marriage wishes to her father through her Instagram handle. Dil Raju’s daughter and his newly married wife being same age shouldn’t be a much of worry. As both could have a good understanding each other. On the other hand, Hanshita Reddy recently gave birth to her second baby.